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Sunday, April 24, 2022

A festive meeting with the Ukrainian community of Qatar on the occasion of Easter was held on Friday, April 24, 2022, from 6 to 7 pm at the Embassy.

With the assistance of the Ukrainian Embassy in Qatar and Ambassador Andrii Kuzmenko, together with the community of Ukraine, the Easter artwork was born.

The artist Andrii Chernovil presented the artwork to the Embassy as a memorial to the unity and celebration of Easter by the Ukrainian community in 2022.

The artwork is part of the social art project IQTargets Art series of Social Paintings collected with the positive wishes of the people.

As the co-founder and curator Nadiia Chernovil says: “The artistic idea of ​​this movement, is to unite all participants of different age groups and interests in order to express an individual message addressed to all current and future viewers. To do this, we proposed to write down and keep in the picture important one or two words - as a key message, as a wish for further development of Ukraine.

The target is a symbol of achieving goals, and only the kind of us depends on which goals will be a priority, creative or destructive. "- says Nadiia Chernovil.

The artwork "Easter" was started by the artist in his roof top studio where on the canvas were collected 24 shooting targets size 10 x 10 cm. Andrii draw on it the traditional symbols of Ukrainian Easter eggs: the sun, the tree of life, a bird and others.

According to Ambassador Andrii Kuzmenko, this art represents a variety of Ukrainian Easter symbols, which are a source of historical memory and national revival, which are now being shot at to destroy, "but as the artist noted: " In difficult times when culture and its bearers figuratively shooting like targets, we see how uniting together values ​​gives strength to fight and defend."

Symbols of the culture of the Ukrainian people come to the fore, and gain great strength and power over the destructive power. " Therefore, all those present were present at the end, who wrote down an important word-message as a wish for further development of Ukraine, together with their name, which will be preserved in the picture.

In artwork "Easter" our goals are Free, Strong, Successful, Prosperous, United, Sustainable Peaceful and developed Ukraine!"

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend.

 More details from the video - in the page on Instagram at the link 

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